Targeting: Source and UTM •

The bar can be targeted based on how the customer arrives at your site.

With this targeting type, the app looks at how the customer arrived at your site. If their source (where they are coming from) matches the setting, the bar will display.

For example, say I set the Visitor Source targeting to Facebook, like so:

With this setting, this bar would only display to a customer if they were on Facebook and clicked a link there to come to my store. 

We provide some popular sites (Instagram, Pinterest...) but you can also enter a custom URL:

Finally, there is the option to target the bar by UTM code:

A UTM code is a bit of text that you can add to a URL. It does not affect where the URL directs a user to, it just carries information. 

For example, here's a regular URL:

And here's the same URL with a utm:

Notice the "?utm_source=newsletter" section tacked onto the end. That is the UTM.

How to use UTM targeting:

Say you have a newsletter. And you want those who visit your shop by clicking a link in the newsletter to see the bar. 

1. Add a UTM to the link in the newsletter (add "?utm_source=newsletter" to the end of the link address)

2. target the bar to that UTM:

Now, when the user clicks on the link in the newsletter, it will contain that UTM, and the bar will display.

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