How do I target a bar to a subdomain?

If you wish for your Quick Announcement Bar to only be displayed on a certain subdomain, this can be done via keyword targeting.

Under Targeting Configuration, choose the 4th option and enter the name of the subdomain into the text field. (Replace "keyword" with the subdomain name and the bar will only display on that subdomain)


The keyword search looks at the entire URL and will find the keyword in the subdomain section.

Conversely, the exclusion by keyword can also work to exclude bars from certain subdomains.


NOTE: If a product in another subdomain has the same keyword in its URL, that would qualify the bar to be shown. For example, if your subdomain keyword is "storage" and you have a product in another subdomain with the URL, ".../products/storage", that URL will trigger the bar to show. You might be able to use exclusion rules to stop that from happening.

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