How do I add icons to my message?

There are many services that offer icons. This guide walks you through setting up a free account with Font Awesome so that you can then add them to the Quick Announcement Bar.

To begin, visit and click "Start for free"

Then enter your email address to create a free account and they will send you a confirmation:

After confirming, you are sent back to the site. Here you can copy a line of code that links to your new free icons account. Copy that line of code:

You can paste that line into your theme's code, in the <head> section if you are familiar/comfortable with theme editing. Or you can add it to the bar itself. I'll cover both.

Inserting the code inside the theme (recommended for faster load):

Enter theme editing by going to your themes page and clicking the ellipsis, then Edit code:

Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 1.17.39 PM.png

Once inside, open the Layout folder and then the theme.liquid file.

Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 1.20.59 PM.png

In theme.liquid, go to the end of the <head> section by finding </head>.

Just above that line, past in the code from Font Awesome, like so:

Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 1.26.20 PM.png

Inserting the code inside the bar:

Alternatively, if you prefer to not to edit the theme, you can add that code to the bar configuration in the custom code area:

Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 1.30.02 PM.png

Now, go back to the Font Awesome site and search for icons:

To see only Free results, click on the lightning icon:

Click on the icon you want to use and a page will open up with a code to copy:

Once you've copied that code, paste it into the message in the Quick Announcement Bar:

When the page renders, the icon replaces that code:

If you require further assistance, contact us for support at

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